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Free Download Movie Cut (2010)
Keyword : Download film terbaru Cut (2010) gratis, gratis film Cut (2010), free download movie Cut (2010), selamat mendownload Film / Movie Cut (2010), Gratis Film Terbaru
Release : 22 February 2010
Genre: Horror | Mystery | Thriller
Cast: Deborah Burns, Dominic Burns,
Lewis Copson, Adam Dakin, Zach Galligan
Credit/source From
"Free Download Movie Cut (2010)"
Label: film barat, Horror, Mystery, Thriller
Download Film Gratis The Ward (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru The Ward (2011) gratis, gratis film The Ward (2011), free download movie Charm School / NiƱas Mal, selamat mendownload Film / Movie The Ward (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Sebuah thriller berpusat pada seorang wanita muda dilembagakan yang menjadi diteror oleh hantu.
English Review
A thriller centered on an institutionalized young woman who becomes terrorized by a ghost.
Directed: John Carpenter
Starring: Amber Heard, Lyndsy Fonseca and Danielle Panabaker
TItle : The Ward 2010
Size : 350 MB
Genre : Horror | Thriller
"Download Film Gratis The Ward (2011)"
Label: film barat, Horror, Thriller
Free Download Movie Elimination (2011)
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Sinopsis Indonesia
Ten actors audition on a reality show for a million dollars. All They have to do is survive three killers, and EACH other - streaming live over the Internet.
English Review
Ten actors audition on a reality show for a million dollars. All they have to do is survive three killers, and each other - streaming live over the Internet.
Format: Matroska
Genre: Action | Horror | Thriller
File Size: 350Mb
No of Cd: 1
Resolution: 720 x 304
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Languese: English
Credit/source From
"Free Download Movie Elimination (2011)"
Label: Action, film barat, Horror, Thriller
Free Download Movie Red Riding Hood (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru Red Riding Hood (2011) gratis, gratis film Red Riding Hood (2011), free download movie Red Riding Hood (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie Red Riding Hood (2011) , Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Valerie (Seyfried) adalah seorang wanita muda yang cantik terpecah antara dua orang. Ia jatuh cinta dengan luar jeli, Peter (Fernandez), tetapi orang tuanya sudah mengatur baginya untuk menikah dengan Henry kaya (Irons). Tidak mau kehilangan satu sama lain, Valerie dan Peter berencana untuk melarikan diri bersama-sama ketika mereka mengetahui bahwa adik Valerie lebih tua telah dibunuh oleh manusia serigala yang mencari kesempatan hutan gelap di sekitar desa mereka. Selama bertahun-tahun, orang-orang telah mempertahankan gencatan senjata gelisah dengan binatang itu, makhluk menawarkan sebuah pengorbanan hewan bulanan. Tetapi di bawah bulan darah merah, serigala itu telah menaikkan taruhan dengan mengambil kehidupan manusia. Lapar untuk membalas dendam, orang-orang memanggil pemburu werewolf terkenal, Bapa Salomo (Oldman), untuk membantu mereka membunuh serigala. Namun kedatangan Salomo membawa konsekuensi yang tidak diinginkan saat ia memperingatkan bahwa serigala, yang mengambil bentuk manusia demi hari, bisa menjadi salah satu dari mereka. Sebagai korban tewas meningkat dengan setiap bulan ..
English Review
Valerie (Seyfried) is a beautiful young woman torn between two men. She is in love with a brooding outsider, Peter (Fernandez), but her parents have arranged for her to marry the wealthy Henry (Irons). Unwilling to lose each other, Valerie and Peter are planning to run away together when they learn that Valerie's older sister has been killed by the werewolf that prowls the dark forest surrounding their village. For years, the people have maintained an uneasy truce with the beast, offering the creature a monthly animal sacrifice. But under a blood red moon, the wolf has upped the stakes by taking a human life. Hungry for revenge, the people call on famed werewolf hunter, Father Solomon (Oldman), to help them kill the wolf. But Solomon's arrival brings unintended consequences as he warns that the wolf, who takes human form by day, could be any one of them. As the death toll rises with each moon..
Director:Catherine Hardwicke
Writer:David Johnson
Stars:Amanda Seyfried, Lukas Haas and Gary Oldman
size: 650MB
Genre:Action | Fantasy | Thriller
"Free Download Movie Red Riding Hood (2011)"
Label: Action, Fantasy, film barat, Thriller
Download Film Gratis Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011) gratis, gratis film Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011), free download movie Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Po bergabung dengan pasukan kelompok master kung-fu baru untuk mengambil musuh lama dengan senjata baru yang mematikan.
English Review
Po joins forces with a group of new kung-fu masters to take on an old enemy with a deadly new weapon.
Writers:Jonathan Aibel, Glenn Berger
Stars:Jack Black, Angelina Jolie and Jackie Chan
TItle: Kung Fu Panda 2 2011 CAM
Size: 700MB
language: RUSIAN
"Download Film Gratis Kung Fu Panda 2 (2011)"
Label: Action, Comedy, Film animation
Free Download Movie Pelukan Janda Hantu Gerondong 2011
Keyword : Download film terbaru Pelukan Janda Hantu Gerondong 2011 gratis, gratis film Pelukan Janda Hantu Gerondong 2011, free download movie Pelukan Janda Hantu Gerondong 2011, selamat mendownload Film / Movie Pelukan Janda Hantu Gerondong 2011, Gratis Film Terbaru
Director:Helfi C.H. Kardit
Produser :Kk Dheeraj
Writer:Team Bintang Timur
Stars:Indah Kalalo, Aida Saskia and Wulan Guritno
size: 467MB |2 Disc
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Label: Adult, film indonesia, Horror
Download Film Gratis The Tunnel Movie (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru The Tunnel Movie (2011) gratis, gratis film The Tunnel Movie (2011), free download movie The Tunnel Movie (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie The Tunnel Movie (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Investigasi pemerintah menutup-nutupi mengarah ke jaringan terowongan kereta ditinggalkan jauh di bawah jantung kota Sydney. Sebagai seorang jurnalis dan kru nya untuk berburu cerita segera menjadi jelas cerita ini memburu mereka.
English Review
An investigation into a government cover-up leads to a network of abandoned train tunnels deep beneath the heart of Sydney. As a journalist and her crew hunt for the story it quickly becomes clear the story is
hunting them.
Genres : Drama, Horror, Thriller
Director:Carlo Ledesma
Writers:Enzo Tedeschi, Julian Harvey
Stars:Bel DeliĆ”, Andy Rodoreda and Steve Davis
Credit/source From
"Download Film Gratis The Tunnel Movie (2011)"
Label: Drama, film barat, Horror, Thriller
Free Download Movie Hidden 3D (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru Hidden 3D (2011) gratis, gratis film Hidden 3D (2011), free download movie Hidden 3D (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie Hidden 3D (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Genre: Horror | Thriller
IMDB rating: 5.3/10
Directed by: Antoine Thomas
Starring: Sean Clement, Simonetta Solder
and Jordan Hayes
Title: Hidden 3D 2011 R5
Size: 300MB
"Free Download Movie Hidden 3D (2011)"
Label: film barat, Horror, Thriller
Download Film Gratis Hyenas (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru Hyenas (2011) gratis, gratis film Hyenas (2011), free download movie Hyenas (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie Hyenas (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Keliling marga berubah bentuk manusia / hyena berkeliaran makhluk dan berburu mangsa manusia. Mereka diburu oleh satu orang mencari balas dendam atas kematian orang yang dicintainya.
English Review
Roving clans of shape-shifting human/hyena creatures prowl and hunt for human prey. They are hunted by one man seeking revenge for the death of his loved ones.
Release : 2011 (USA)
Starring: Christa Campbell, Costas Mandylor, Rudolf Martin
Size : 300 MB
Genre : Horror
Video : 720 x 364
Plot : Roving clans of shape-shifting human/hyena
creatures prowl and hunt for human prey.
They are hunted by one man seeking revenge
for the death of his loved ones.
"Download Film Gratis Hyenas (2011)"
Label: film barat, Horror
Free Download Movie Kongsi (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru Kongsi (2011) gratis, gratis film Kongsi (2011), free download movie Kongsi (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie Kongsi (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Airing : 12 May 2011 (Malaysia)
Starring : Shaheizy Sam, Fizo Omar, Norliana Samsudin
Genre : Action | Comedy
Qualtiy : HDTVRip | 704 x 464
Duration : 90 Mins
Plot : The action-comedy directed by Farid Kamil,
focuses on the investigation done by ASP
Shariff (Fizo Omar) towards the killing of
triad members in Kuala Lumpur. Various
triad members are in shambles when they
discover the presence of a hired killer
Tumulak (Shaheizy Sam), who committed the
killings to settle his debt.
Credit/source From
*Free Download Movie Kongsi (2011)*
Download Film Gratis Seconds Apart (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru Seconds Apart (2011) gratis, gratis film Seconds Apart (2011), free download movie Seconds Apart (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie Seconds Apart (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Seth dan Yunus adalah kembar dengan kemampuan yang berbahaya. Telekinesis. Hal-hal yang mulai lepas kendali mereka sebagai teman sekelas mereka berakhir mati dengan cara memutar dan aneh. Polisi mencurigai mereka. Namun, kecemburuan mulai membagi mereka dan segera mereka tidak bisa lagi saling percaya. Menjelang pertempuran mengerikan terhadap diri mereka.
English Review
Seth and Jonah are twins with a dangerous ability. Telekinesis. Things start to spiral out of their control as their classmates end up dying in twisted and bizarre ways. The police suspect them. But, jealousy begins to divide them and soon they can no longer trust each other. Leading up to a horrific battle against themselves.
Format: Matroska
Genre: Horror | Thriller
File Size: 350Mb
No of Cd: 1
Resolution: 576 x 320
Frame Rate: 25 fps
Languese: English
RunTime: 01:28:48
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Label: film barat, Horror, Thriller
Free Download Movie Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy
Keyword : Download film terbaru Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy gratis, gratis film Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy, free download movie Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy, selamat mendownload Film / Movie Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy, Gratis Film Terbaru
Bagi Para Penggemar Film Pirates Of The Caribbean Trilogy Silahkan Di Download Gan...
Single Pack 2.1Gb
The Curse Of The Black Pearl
Dead Man's Chest
At Worlds End
Another Link
Label: Action, film barat
Download Film Gratis Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 2011
Keyword : Download film terbaru Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 2011 gratis, gratis film Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 2011, free download movie Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 2011, selamat mendownload Film / Movie Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 2011, Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Kapten Jack Sparrow (Depp) memotong jalan dengan seorang wanita dari masa lalunya (Cruz), dan dia tidak yakin apakah itu cinta - atau jika dia seorang seniman con kejam siapa yang menggunakan dia untuk menemukan dongeng Fountain of Youth. Ketika ia memaksa dia kapal Pembalasan Ratu Anne, kapal dari bajak laut Blackbeard tangguh (McShane), Jack menemukan dirinya pada sebuah petualangan tak terduga di mana dia tidak tahu siapa yang harus lebih takut: Blackbeard atau wanita dari masa lalunya.
English Review
Captain Jack Sparrow (Depp) crosses paths with a woman from his past (Cruz), and he's not sure if it's love -- or if she's a ruthless con artist who's using him to find the fabled Fountain of Youth. When she forces him aboard the Queen Anne's Revenge, the ship of the formidable pirate Blackbeard (McShane), Jack finds himself on an unexpected adventure in which he doesn't know who to fear more: Blackbeard or the woman from his past.
HQ Hive-CM8
language: English
Directed By: Rob Marshall
Starring: Johnny Depp, PenƩlope Cruz and Ian McShane
Title: Pirates of the caribbean 4 On Stranger Tides 2011 TS MKV
size: 450MB
"Download Film Gratis Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides 2011"
Label: Action, film barat
Free Download Movie Red White And Blue 2011
Keyword : Download film terbaru Red White And Blue 2011 gratis, gratis film Red White And Blue 2011, free download movie Red White And Blue 2011, selamat mendownload Film / Movie Red White And Blue 2011, Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Film mengikuti, Erica dingin tanpa emosi, yang menyelam ke tempat tidur dengan laki-laki dia bertemu. Ketika ia ditawarkan pekerjaan di toko DIY di Austin, ia menemukan kebaikan orang-orang asing, tetapi juga sisi bayangan mengerikan itu.
English Review
Film follows the cool, emotionless Erica, who dives into bed with any man she meets. When she is offered a job in a DIY store in Austin, she discovers the kindness of strangers, but also the gruesome shadowy side
of it.
Directed By: Simon Rumley
Starring: Noah Taylor, Amanda Fuller and Marc Senter
Title: Red White And Blue 2011 DVDRIP
Size: 400MB |MKV
Genre: Drama | Mystery | Romance
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Label: Drama, film barat, Mystery, Romance
Download Film Gratis Ragini MMS 2011
Keyword : Download film terbaru Ragini MMS 2011 gratis, gratis film Ragini MMS 2011, free download movie Ragini MMS 2011, selamat mendownload Film / Movie Ragini MMS 2011, Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Ragini MMS adalah sebuah film paranormal sensual, ditembak seolah-olah secara real time! Pasangan klasik, Ragini dan Uday, berangkat untuk memiliki kotor akhir pekan di rumah pertanian seorang teman di pinggiran Mumbai. Yang berakhir pekan gigi cepat mengalami perubahan ketika mereka menemukan diri mereka di sebuah rumah yang telah dicurangi dengan kamera dalam gaya Bigg Boss. Kamera yang dimaksudkan untuk menangkap bercinta adalah saksi untuk sesuatu yang berada di luar alam pemahaman manusia ... sesuatu yang metafisik .... Dalam batas-batas rumah ini, Ragini dan Uday sekarang pada belas kasihan kekuatan paranormal bisa dijelaskan. Dengan mendekati matahari terbenam, apa yang akan pendatang baru dari rumah itu? Positif, di antara film paling tajam ditunggu musim ini, Ragini MMS, hibrida fakta dan fiksi, yang mendebarkan voyeurisme dari produsen Seks Love Aur Dhokha. Tanggal Film paling menakutkan, buffering di Theatres on Jumat tanggal 13 Mei!
English Review
Ragini MMS is a sensuous paranormal film, shot as if in real time! The quintessential couple, Ragini and Uday, set out to have a dirty weekend at a friend's farmhouse on the outskirts of Mumbai. The weekend getaway quickly changes gears as they find themselves in a house that has been rigged with cameras in Bigg Boss style. The cameras that were meant to capture love-making are witness to something that is beyond the realm of human understanding...something metaphysical.... Within the confines of this house, Ragini and Uday are now at the mercy of an unexplainable paranormal force. With sundown approaching, what will the new entrants of the house do? Positively, among the most keenly awaited films of the season, Ragini MMS, a hybrid of fact and fiction, is thrilling voyeurism from the producers of Love Sex Aur Dhokha. The scariest date movie, buffering in Theatres on Friday the 13th May!
Genre: Thriller
Director: Pawan Kripalani
Starring: Kainaz Motivala and Raj Kumar Yadav
Language: Hindi | Subtitles: N/A
Size: 426 MB
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Label: Adult, film india, Thriller
Free Download Movie House of Flesh Mannequins
Keyword : Download film terbaru House of Flesh Mannequins (2009) gratis, gratis film House of Flesh Mannequins (2009), free download movie House of Flesh Mannequins (2009), selamat mendownload Film / Movie House of Flesh Mannequins (2009), Gratis Film Terbaru
Release Date: 1 October 2009
Genre: Horror | Thriller
Cast: Domiziano Arcangeli, Irena A. Hoffman,
Giovanni Lombardo Radice
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Label: film barat, Horror, Thriller
Download Film Gratis Choy Lee Fut (2011)
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Free Download Movie Justin Bieber - Never Say Never (2011)
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Sinopsis Indonesia
Mengikuti Justin Bieber dengan beberapa cuplikan pertunjukan dari 2010 tur konsernya.
English review
Follows Justin Bieber with some footage of performances from his 2010 concert tour.
Genre: Music | Documentary
IMDB rating: 1.2/10
Directed by: Jon Chu
Starring: Justin Bieber, Boys II Men and Miley Cyrus
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Label: film barat, film dokumenter, Music
Download Film Gratis An Invisible Sign (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru An Invisible Sign (2011) gratis, gratis film An Invisible Sign (2011), free download movie An Invisible Sign (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie An Invisible Sign (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Mona Gray adalah penyendiri 20 tahun yang, sebagai seorang anak, berpaling kepada matematika untuk keselamatan setelah ayahnya jatuh sakit. Sebagai orang dewasa, Mona sekarang mengajar subjek dan harus membantu murid-muridnya melalui krisis mereka sendiri.
English Review
Mona Gray is a 20-year-old loner who, as a child, turned to math for salvation after her father became ill. As an adult, Mona now teaches the subject and must help her students through their own crises.
Release Date: 6 May 2011 (USA)
Genre: Drama
Cast: Jessica Alba, J.K. Simmons, Bailee Madison
Quality: DVDRip XviD-3LT0N
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
"Download Film Gratis An Invisible Sign (2011)"
Free Download Movie Strawberry Shortcake : Puttin On The Glitz (2011)
Keyword : Download film terbaru Strawberry Shortcake : Puttin On The Glitz (2011) gratis, gratis film Strawberry Shortcake : Puttin On The Glitz (2011), free download movie Strawberry Shortcake : Puttin On The Glitz (2011), selamat mendownload Film / Movie Strawberry Shortcake : Puttin On The Glitz (2011), Gratis Film Terbaru
Sinopsis Indonesia
Mode Fabulous baru, musik 'Glamicures' berkilau dan menyenangkan baru 'Do' punya Strawberry dan teman-temannya 'Puttin' pada Glitz '! Tapi, semua itu dazzles cepat membongkar dengan kesalahpahaman, sampai gadis-gadis menemukan cara kreatif dan baik harus jujur dengan perasaan mereka ... dan dengan teman-teman mereka.
English Review
Fabulous new fashions, sparkling musical ‘Glamicures’ and delightful new ‘Do’s' have Strawberry and her friends ‘Puttin’ on the Glitz’! But, all that dazzles quickly unravels with misunderstanding, until the girls find creative and kind ways to be honest with their feelings… and with their friends.
Release Date: 2011
Genre: Animation | Family
Cast: -
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: Demitos@Ganool
Source: DVDRip XviD-SPRiNTER
Subtitle: Indonesia, English
Download Subtitle : Indonesia, English
"Free Download Movie Strawberry Shortcake : Puttin On The Glitz (2011)
Label: family, Film animation
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