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Download Film Gratis ghost rider 2 spirit of vengeance (2012)

Sinopsis Indonesia
Dikisahkan bahwa Blaze alias Ghost Rider sedang mengasingkan diri di pedalaman
Eropa Timur, berjuang dan berusaha mengendalikan kutukan yang sedang ia derita. Lantas kemudian ia diminta bergabung dengan sebuah sekte rahasia untuk berjuang melawan Sang Iblis yang ingin menguasai dunia.

English Review
It is said that Blaze aka Ghost Rider was in exile in the interior of Eastern Europe, struggling and trying to control the curse which he was suffering. So then he asked to join a secret cult to fight against the devil who wants to rule the world.

Dated Released : 17 February 2012
Quality : CAM XVID-INSPiRAL |Kualitas Buruk
Info :
IMDB Rating : 5.7 (3,560 users)
Star : Nicolas Cage, Ciarán Hinds, Idris Elba
Genre : Action | Fantasy | Thriller

*Download Film Gratis ghost rider 2 spirit of vengeance (2012)*
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Free Download Movie the woman in black (2012)

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Free Download Movie the woman in black (2012)

Sinopsis Indonesia
Seorang pengacara muda melakukan perjalanan ke sebuah desa terpencil di mana ia menemukan
hantu penuh dendam seorang wanita dicemooh meneror penduduk setempat.

English Review
A young lawyer travels to a remote village where he discovers the vengeful ghost of a scorned woman is terrorizing the locals.

Dated Released : 3 February 2012
Quality : CAM XviD INFERNO |Kualitas Buruk
Info :
IMDB Rating : 7.3 (6,045 users)
Star : Daniel Radcliffe, Janet McTeer, Ciarán Hinds
Genre : Drama | Horror | Thriller

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Download Film Gratis underworld awakening free (2012)

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Download Film Gratis underworld awakening free (2012)

Sinopsis Indonesia
Selama 12 tahun Selene (Kate Beckinsale) tak sadar apa yang sebenarnya telah terjadi. Ia berada dalam tahanan. Saat terbangun, Selene sadar kalau semuanya sudah berubah. Vampir dan lycan tak lagi jadi mitos. Keberadaan mereka telah diketahui manusia dan kini dua ras abadi ini harus jadi buruan.
Sejak mengetahui keberadaan vampir dan lycan, pemerintah mulai mengadakan penelitian untuk mencari rahasia kekuatan mereka. Manusia tak ingin ada vampir atau lycan yang tersisa di muka bumi. Perang besar pun dimulai dan kini dua ras superior itu harus hidup
dalam ketakutan. Kalau dulu mereka bersembunyi karena tak ingin manusia tahu keberadaan mereka, kini mereka bersembunyi karena ketakutan.

English Review
During 12 years of Selene (Kate Beckinsale) is not aware of what had happened. He is in custody. When awake, Selene realizes that things have changed. Vampire and lycan no longer be a myth. Their existence has been known to man, and now these two immortal races should be hunted.
Since knowing the existence of vampires and the lycan, the government began to conduct research to find the secret of their strength. Humans do not want a vampire or a lycan is left on earth. Great war began and now two superior races should live
in fear. Where once they were in hiding because no man wants to know of their existence, they are now hiding out of fear.

Dated Released : 20 January 2012
Quality : TS READNFO XviD – SiC |Kualitas Buruk
Info :
IMDB Rating : 7.2 (1,195 users)
Star : Kate Beckinsale, Michael Ealy, India Eisley
Genre : Action | Fantasy | Horror

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Free Download Movie safe house (2012)

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Free Download Movie safe house (2012)

Sinopsis Indonesia
Sudah lama Matt Weston (Ryan Reynolds) berharap bisa terlibat dalam misi layaknya seorang agen rahasia. Kini kesempatan itu datang dan ternyata ini sama sekali di luar perhitungan Matt. Ia harus memastikan Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) padahal pria ini bukanlah orang yang bisa diajak kerja sama.
Tobin Frost adalah mantan intelijen yang membelot dan menjual rahasia negara pada mereka yang mampu membelinya. Entah sudah berapa kerusakan yang ditimbulkan buron selama bertahun-tahun ini. Kini Tobin tertangkap dan ia
disembunyikan di sebuah tempat rahasia di Afrika Selatan. Sayangnya, tempat yang seharusnya rahasia ini ternyata masih bisa ditemukan.

English Review
Matt Weston has been a long time (Ryan Reynolds) hopes to be involved in the mission as a secret agent. Now the opportunity came and it was totally out of the calculation of Matt. He must ensure Tobin Frost (Denzel Washington) when he is not someone who can deal with.
Tobin Frost is a former intelligence who defected and selling state secrets to those who can afford it. I do not know how much damage inflicted on the run for many years. Tobin is now caught and he
hidden in a secret place in South Africa. Unfortunately, this place was supposed to be secret can still be found.

Dated Released : 10 February 2012
Quality : TS READNFO XviD-SiC |Kualitas Buruk
Info :
IMDB Rating : 7.2 (1,215 users)
Star : Denzel Washington, Ryan Reynolds, Robert Patrick
Genre : Action | Crime | Mystery

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Download Film Gratis playback 2012

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Sinopsis Indonesia
Seorang polisi menyelidiki kasus seorang remaja lokal hilang, meskipun ia
menemukan rahasia gelap yang telah dilepaskan di kotanya, dan roh jahat yang tidak akan berhenti untuk menemukan ahli warisnya.

English Review
A cop investigates the case of a missing local teen, though he discovers a dark secret that has been unleashed in his town, and an evil spirit that will stop at nothing to find its heir.

Dated Released : February 2012
Quality : HDRiP.AC3-2.0.XviD-SiC.nItRo
Info :
IMDB Rating : N/A
Star : Christian Slater, Ambyr Childers, Toby Hemingway
Genre : Horror | Thriller

"Download Film Gratis playback 2012"
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Free Download Movie Antfarm Dickhole (2011)

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Sinopsis Indonesia
Hailed as having "the most WTF moments in movie history" Antfarm Dickhole is the story of rampaging army ants have nested inside That a living human body. The unwilling host discovers That when bullies attack him, the ants defend Their nest. Thus Spake begins a Tragic tale of What Happens when the powerless Become powerful.

English review
Hailed as having "the most WTF moments in movie history" Antfarm Dickhole is the story of rampaging army ants that have nested inside a living human body. The unwilling host discovers that when bullies attack him, the ants defend their nest. Thus begins a tragic tale of what happens when the powerless become powerful.

Release Date: 2011
Genre: Horror
Stars: Rich Carucci, Lindsey Graham and Adam Kuligowski

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Download Film Gratis film man on a ledge (2012)

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Sinopsis Indonesia
Nick Cassidy (Sam Worthington) adalah mantan polisi namun tetap saja ada yang tidak seharusnya terjadi dalam kasus ini. Nick sepertinya sengaja mengatur jalannya misi penyelamatan ini, tapi untuk apa? Nick berdiri di atas gedung bertingkat dan segera memanggil polisi untuk menangani kasus ini. Sesampainya di lokasi, barulah polisi tahu kalau pria di atas gedung bertingkat itu adalah Nick.
Lydia Anderson (Elizabeth Banks) ditugaskan untuk membujuk Nick agar mengurungkan niatnya terjun dari atas gedung bertingkat itu. Awalnya Lydia memperlakukan Nick layaknya korban
namun seiring berjalannya waktu, kecurigaan mulai muncul. Nick sepertinya sengaja mengulur waktu dan merencanakan sesuatu dan misi penyelamatan ini hanyalah satu bagian kecil dari rencana Nick.

Engliah Review
Nick Cassidy (Sam Worthington) is a former policeman, but still there are not supposed to happen in this case. Nick seemed to deliberately set the course of this rescue mission, but for what? Nick stood on a high rise building and immediately called the police to handle this case. Arriving at the site, then the police know that the guy on top of buildings it is Nick.
Lydia Anderson (Elizabeth Banks) are assigned to carry out the attack to persuade Nick to jump from the top of the buildings. Lydia initially treated Nick like a victim
but as time goes by, suspicions began to arise. Nick seems deliberately to gain time and to plan something and rescue mission was just one small part of a plan Nick.

Dated Released : 27 January 2012
Quality : CAM XVID-WBZ |Kualitas Buruk
Info :
IMDB Rating : 6.6 (2,543 users)
Star : Sam Worthington, Elizabeth Banks, Jamie Bell
Genre : Crime | Thriller

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Free Download Movie journey 2 the mysterious island 2012

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Free Download Movie journey 2 the mysterious island 2012

Sinopsis Indonesia
Sean Anderson mitra dengan pacar ibunya pada misi untuk menemukan kakeknya, yang diduga hilang di sebuah pulau mitos.

English Review
Sean Anderson partners with his mom's boyfriend on a mission to find his grandfather, who is thought to be missing on a mythical island.

Dated Released : 10 February 2012
Quality : CAM READNFO XViD-26K |Kualitas Buruk
Info :
IMDB Rating : 6.4 (1,725 users)
Star : Josh Hutcherson, Dwayne Johnson, Michael Caine
Genre : Action | Adventure | Family

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Download Film Gratis gali gali chor hai (2012)

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Sinopsis Indonesia
Gali Gali Mein Chor film Hai kebetulan mengejek mengambil isu pembakaran korupsi di mana Akshaye memainkan seorang
pria yang adalah korban korupsi, Aisyah memainkan istri yang mendukungnya.

English Review
Gali Gali Mein Chor Hai movie happens to be mocking take on the burning issue of corruption in which Akshaye plays a man who is a victim of corruption, Ayesha plays the wife who stands by him.

Dated Released : 3 February 2012
Quality : DVDScr [DDR]ShAaNiG
Info :
IMDB Rating : 7.3 (19 users)
Star : Mugdha Godse, Jagdeep, Annu Kapoor
Genre : Drama

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Free Download Movie chronicle 2012

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Sinopsis Indonesia
Suatu malam, Andrew, Matt Garetty (Alex Russell), dan Steve Montgomery (Michael B. Jordan) menemukan sebuah lubang di tanah. Saat mereka mencoba masuk, apa yang mereka temukan benar-benar di luar dugaan mereka. Bukan hanya benda aneh itu saja yang membuat kaget tapi efeknya pada diri mereka yang justru sangat mengejutkan.
Entah bagaimana tiga remaja ini tiba-tiba saja memiliki kekuatan super. Jelas saja ini membuat mereka penasaran. Percobaan demi percobaan mereka lakukan untuk mencari tahu apa saja yang bisa mereka lakukan
dengan kekuatan super ini. Celakanya, karena satu kesalahan kecil, eksplorasi kekuatan ini berubah menjadi mimpi buruk.

English Review
One night, Andrew, Matt Garetty (Alex Russell), and Steve Montgomery (Michael B. Jordan) found a hole in the ground. When they tried to enter, what they found really beyond their expectations. Not only weird thing that's shocked but its effect on them which was very surprising.
Somehow these three teenagers suddenly has super strength. Obviously, this makes them curious. Experiments for the sake of the experiment they are doing to find out what they can do
with this super power. Unfortunately, because one small mistake, the exploration of the power is turned into a nightmare.

Dated Released : 3 February 2012
Quality : TS XviD – MiSTERE |Kualitas Buruk
Info :
IMDB Rating : 7.6 (3,244 users)
Star : Michael B. Jordan, Michael Kelly, Alex Russell
Genre : Action | Drama | Sci-Fi

"Free Download Movie chronicle 2012 "

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Download Film Gratis The Haunted Boy: The Secret Diary of the Exorcist

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Download Film Gratis  The Haunted Boy: The Secret Diary of the Exorcist

Sinopsis indonesia
Sementara syuting suaka angker di St Louis, Missouri, pembuat film dokumenter menemukan buku harian rahasia eksorsisme 1949 terkenal dari seorang anak berusia 13 tahun yang dimiliki oleh Iblis, yang kemudian mengilhami buku dan film, The Exorcist. Memanfaatkan hi-tech gadget paranormal bersama dengan legiun ahli supranatural, mereka mencari untuk menangkap entitas paling menakutkan dikenal manusia, Roh Unholy. Tidak ada yang pernah Anda lihat atau dengar sebelumnya membawa Anda lebih dekat dengan kebenaran fasik dari apa yang sebenarnya terjadi dalam paling menakutkan, paling laris kisah sepanjang masa! Untuk pertama kalinya, menyelidiki rumah Exorcist nyata dan kamar tidur Boy Haunted terkenal di mana ini pengusiran setan yang mengerikan terjadi. Pertempuran setan sambil menjelajahi gereja-gereja kuno dan rumah sakit jiwa para imam yang masih hidup terakhir. Saksi tidak pernah dilihat sebelumnya video, peristiwa sejarah, bukti paranormal dari file kasus aktual. Eksklusif wawancara dengan Exorcist nyata dan garis darah Boy Haunted itu ..

English Review
While filming a haunted asylum in St. Louis, Missouri, documentary filmmakers uncover a secret diary of the infamous 1949 exorcism of a 13 year old boy possessed by the devil that later inspired the book and movie, The Exorcist. Utilizing hi-tech paranormal gadgetry along with a legion of supernatural experts, they search out to capture the scariest entity known to man, the Unholy Ghost. Nothing you have ever seen or heard before gets you closer to the ungodly truth of what really happened in this most terrifying, best selling story of all time! For the first time ever, investigate the real Exorcist house and the infamous Haunted Boy's bedroom where this horrific exorcism occurred. Battle demons while exploring ancient churches and asylums with the last surviving priests. Witness never-before-seen video, historical events, paranormal evidence from the actual case files. Exclusive interviews with the real Exorcist's and Haunted Boy's blood line..

Release Date: 1 October 2010
Genre: Documentary
Stars: Keith Age, Christopher Saint Booth 
and Philip Adrian Booth

"Download Film Gratis The Haunted Boy: The Secret Diary of the Exorcist"

Part 1Part 2 

Free Download Movie 2-Headed Shark Attack

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Sinopsis Indonesia
Korban melarikan diri ke sebuah atol sepi setelah Semester at Sea kapal tenggelam oleh hiu berkepala dua bermutasi. Tapi ketika atol mulai banjir, tidak ada yang aman dari rahang ganda rakasa tersebut.

English Review
Survivors escape to a deserted atoll after a Semester at Sea ship is sunk by a mutated two-headed shark. But when the atoll starts flooding, no one is safe from the double jaws of the monster.

Release Date: 17 January 2012
Genre: Action | Horror | Sci-Fi
Cast: Carmen Electra, Charlie O'Connell and Brooke Hogan

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Sinopsis Indonesia
Tricia suami Daniel telah hilang selama tujuh tahun. Muda Adiknya Callie datang untuk tinggal bersamanya sebagai tekanan mount untuk akhirnya menyatakan dia 'mati secara in absentia. " Sebagai menyaring Tricia melalui reruntuhan dan mencoba untuk melanjutkan hidup nya, Callie menemukan dirinya tertarik pada sebuah terowongan menyenangkan di dekat rumah. Saat ia mulai menghubungkannya dengan penghilangan misterius lainnya, menjadi jelas bahwa kematian dianggap Daniel mungkin apa pun kecuali 'alami.' Gaya kuno bekerja di terowongan mungkin telah menetapkan pemandangan pada Callie dan Tricia ... dan Daniel mungkin menderita nasib yang jauh lebih buruk daripada kematian dalam genggaman-nya.

English Review
Tricia's husband Daniel has been missing for seven years. Her younger sister Callie comes to live with her as the pressure mounts to finally declare him 'dead in absentia.' As Tricia sifts through the wreckage and tries to move on with her life, Callie finds herself drawn to an ominous tunnel near the house. As she begins to link it to other mysterious disappearances, it becomes clear that Daniel's presumed death might be anything but 'natural.' The ancient force at work in the tunnel might have set its sights on Callie and Tricia ... and Daniel might be suffering a fate far worse than death in its grasp.

Genre…………………..: Horror
Stars…………………..: Katie Parker, Courtney Bell and Dave Levine
Format………………….: MKV
Duration………………..: 1h 31mn
Video…………………..: 720 × 400 | 502 Kbps @ 23.976 fps
Audio…………………..: AAC | 48.0 KHz / 24.0 KHz

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Free Download Movie Rosewood Lane (2011)

Sinopsis Indonesia 
Bila radio talk show psikiater, Dr Sonny Blake, bergerak kembali ke kota kelahirannya, ia mengambil pemberitahuan dari perilaku yang tidak biasa lingkungan makalahnya anak itu.

English Review
When radio talk show psychiatrist, Dr. Sonny Blake, moves back to her hometown, she takes notices of her neighborhood paper boy's unusual behavior.

Genre…………………..: Horror | Thriller
Stars…………………..: Rose McGowan, Lauren Vélez and Ray Wise
Format………………….: MKV
Duration………………..: 1h 31mn
Video…………………..: 720 × 400 | 498 Kbps @ 25.000 fps
Audio…………………..: AAC | 48.0 KHz / 24.0 KHz 

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Sinopsis Indonesia
Ketika Sid (John Leguizamo) sengaja menghancurkan Manny (Ray Romano) 's Natal pusaka batu dan berakhir pada daftar nakal Santa, dia memimpin sebuah pencarian lucu ke Kutub Utara untuk membuat hal yang benar dan berakhir membuat segalanya lebih buruk. Sekarang terserah Manny dan pagar betis prasejarah untuk bersatu dan menyimpan Natal untuk seluruh dunia!

English Review
When Sid (John Leguizamo) accidentally destroys Manny (Ray Romano)’s heirloom Christmas rock and ends up on Santa’s naughty list, he leads a hilarious quest to the North Pole to make things right and ends up making things much worse. Now it’s up to Manny and his prehistoric posse to band together and save Christmas for the entire world!

Release Date: 2011
Genre: Animation
Stars: Ciara Bravo, Queen Latifah and Denis Leary
Quality: DVDRip
Encoder: Agoes@Ganool
Source: DVDRip XviD-3LT0N
Release Info: NFO
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

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Free Download Movie Fake (2010)

Sinopsis Indonesia
Daniel Jakor adalah salah satu seniman yang paling produktif dan sukses yang belum pernah dengar. Berjuang untuk menjual seni sendiri, ia segera menemukan jenius sejati tidak terletak pada penciptaan karyanya sendiri tetapi dalam pemalsuan dari guru besar yang telah datang sebelum dia-seniman seperti Picasso, Monet, Degas dan Renoir. Dan dengan bantuan seorang Murphy Tay, pemilik galeri korup di Boston, Daniel segera belajar seluk-beluk dunia seni saat ia menjadi master sejati dirinya sendiri. Tapi hidup Tay itu adalah di luar kendali dan setan pribadinya telah membawa dia ke tepi di mana ia digantung pada oleh benang. Berhutang budi kepada massa untuk lebih dari yang mungkin dapat membayar kembali, Tay mendapat Daniel bertali ke bekerja untuk Seamus Putih, kepala "keluarga" Irlandia di New England dan seorang kolektor seni avid. Sebagai skema Seamus menjadi lebih berani dan lebih berani, tidak hanya mendorong batas-batas kemampuan Daniel tapi batas pemalsuan itu sendiri ...

English Review
Daniel Jakor is one of the most prolific and successful artists the world has never heard of. Struggling to sell his own art, he soon finds his true genius lies not in the creation of his own work but in the forgery of the great masters that have come before him- artists like Picasso, Monet, Degas and Renoir. And with the help of a Tay Murphy, corrupt gallery owner in Boston, Daniel soon learns the intricacies of the art world as he becomes a true master himself. But Tay's life is spiraling out of control and his personal demons have brought him to the edge where he hangs on by a thread. Indebted to the mob for more than he can possibly pay back, Tay gets Daniel roped into working for Seamus White, the head of the Irish "family" in New England and an avid art collector. As Seamus's schemes become bolder and bolder, not only pushing the boundaries of Daniel's ability but the limits of forgery itself...

Release Date: 2010
Genre: Crime | Mystery | Thriller
Cast: Robert Loggia, Fisher Stevens and Blanche Baker

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Sinopsis Indonesia
Malam itu seharusnya menjadi malam paling indah dalam hidup PASHA. Bersama sahabat-sahabatnya, MAKKI, ONCI, ROWMAN dan ENDA, Pasha sudah merencanakan untuk melamar kekasihnya LISA (Qory Sandioriva). Namun ternyata, di hari yang sama juga, Lisa memutuskan hubungan karena memilih untuk bersama laki-laki lain. Pasha pun shock dan patah hati. Makki pun mempunyai ide untuk menghubungi sebuah agency yang bekerja untuk mengembalikan motivasi orang. Agency ini dimiliki oleh TALITA (Nirina Zubir), seorang gadis cantik yang eksentrik. Talita menyanggupi untuk mengembalikan Pasha kembali seperti dulu. Ia pun dengan berbagai caranya yang unik berhasil membuat Pasha mau bangkit, tapi tetap saja tidak bisa menyembuhkan patah hati Pasha. Akhirnya Talita berkesimpulan, Pasha baru akan bisa sembuh total kalau berhasil menemukan cinta yang baru. Talita pun menjodohkan Pasha dengan kliennya yang lain, SHELLY (Kirana Larasati), seorang gadis lucu naif dan sangat romantis.
Tapi ternyata nasib berkata lain. Shelly justru jatuh cinta dengan ONCI, dan Onci juga merasakan hal yang sama. Merasa tidak enak dengan Pasha dan teman-temannya, Onci dan Shelly pun backstreet.
Talita pun kebingungan saat Shelly menyatakan tidak mau dijodohkan dengan Pasha. Maksud hanya ingin menghibur Pasha, Talita menyadari kalau ia sebetulnya mencintai Pasha. Pasha sendiri, yang tidak tahu kalau selama ini Talita menjalankan tugas dari teman-temannya, betul-betul mulai merasa jatuh cinta dengan Talita.
Pasha pun melamar Talita. Semua sepertinya berjalan sempurna untuk Talita. Akhirnya ia bisa mendapatkan cinta sejati. Namun semua berubah saat Lisa kembali untuk Pasha. Sepertinya tugas Talita, yaitu mengembalikan kebahagiaan Pasha dengan memberinya cinta akan bisa diselesaikan dengan kembalinya Lisa.
Yang mana yang lebih penting untuk Talita? Kebahagiaan Pasha atau kebahagiaan dirinya sendiri?

English Review
Tonight was supposed to be the most beautiful night in the life of Pasha. Together with his friends, Makki, ONCI, Rowman and ENDA, Pasha had planned to propose to his girlfriend Lisa (Qory Sandioriva). But apparently, on the same day, Lisa decides ties by choosing to be with another man. Pasha was the shock and heartbreak. Makki also has the idea to contact an agency that works to restore people's motives. Agency is owned by Talitha (Nirina Zubir), a beautiful girl that eccentric. Talitha undertakes to return back to his old Pasha. He was with a variety of unique way managed to make Pasha would rise, but still it can not heal a broken heart Pasha. Talitha finally concluded, the new Pasha will make a full recovery if successfully found a new love. Talita also match Pasha with his other clients, Shelly (Kirana Larasati), a naive girl funny and very romantic.
But it turns out the fate of the other said. Shelly just fell in love with ONCI, and Onci also feel the same. Feeling uncomfortable with the Pasha and his friends, and Shelly was Onci Backstreet.
Talitha was confusion when Shelly claim not paired with Pasha. The purpose is only to entertain Pasha, Talitha realized that he actually loved Pasha. Pasha himself, who does not know if all this Talitha duties of his friends, began to feel really fell in love with Talitha.
Pasha was applying for Talita. All seemed to run perfectly for Talita. Eventually he was able to get true love. But everything changed when Lisa returned to Pasha. Looks like Talitha task, namely to restore happiness to give her love Pasha will be resolved with the return of Lisa.
Which one is more important for Talitha? Pasha happiness or happiness itself?

Info: Film Indonesia
Release Date: 12 May 2011
Genre: Drama
Cast: Djenar Maesa Ayu, Enda, Rowman, Henidar Amroe, Kirana Larasati, Makki, Nirina Zubir, Oncy, Pasha, Qory Sandioriva
Quality: VCDRip
Encoder: hydedy@Ganool 
Subtitle: Indonesia | English (N/A)

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