Free Download Movie The Blood of Red Ridding Hood

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Free Download Movie The Blood of Red Ridding Hood

Sinopsis Indonesia
Cerita berikut Rose, 17 tahun dewasa sebelum waktunya Jerman lama, sebagai ibunya membawa dia dari Jerman untuk tinggal bersama neneknya di Amerika. Meskipun ia senang melihat neneknya, Rose membenci kehidupan barunya: dia merindukan teman-temannya kembali ke Jerman dan dia menggoda dan diejek oleh siswa lain di sekolah. Rose hanya dapat menemukan kenyamanan dalam buku lusuh nya dongeng sampai dia bertemu dan mengembangkan naksir Nick, orang paling populer di sekolah, dan berteman dengan Summer, seorang mahasiswi seksi yang indah. Tapi hal-hal menjadi rumit seperti Rose tersiksa oleh Nick pacar Bridgette, dan kota yang tenang sekali menemukan dirinya bingung oleh serangkaian mengerikan, pembunuhan misterius.

English Review
The story follows Rose, a precocious German 17 year old, as her mother brings her from Germany to live with her grandmother in America. Although she is happy to see her grandmother, Rose hates her new life: she misses her friends back in Germany and she is teased and ridiculed by the other students at school. Rose can only find comfort in her tattered book of fairy tales until she meets and develops a crush on Nick, the most popular guy at school, and is befriended by Summer, a beautiful sexy coed. But things become complicated as Rose is tormented by Nick's girlfriend Bridgette, and the once quiet town finds itself rattled by a series of gruesome, mysterious murders.

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Free Download Movie The Blood of Red Ridding Hood


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