Free Download Movie Just Go with It (2011)

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Free Download Movie Just Go with It (2011)

English Review
Lying beginning it was not easy. Once used, a lie will become easier. The problem is, if you've already lied, it's hard to go back to honesty. Once a lie then people tend to continue to lie and when one lie uncovered so the only way I could think of is to create new lies to cover it. 

The same problem experienced by Dr. Daniel Maccabee (Adam Sandler). Daniel had a habit of lying. He has set up a ring he always wore when he tried to approach a woman. Daniel was always pretending to be men who failed marriage. With this mode, Daniel always managed to attract any woman. So there is no reason for Daniel to stop this lie right? 

The problem is getting to be complicated when Daniel met Palmer (Brooklyn Decker). When I first saw this beautiful woman fell in love with Daniel. Daniel had decided not to lie this time. Unfortunately, accidentally discovered a ring of Daniel Palmer. Having been accustomed to lying, Daniel was forced to lie anymore. He said that he was already married but her marriage was on the verge of divorce. 

To support this lie was forced to recruit Katherine Daniel Murphy (Jennifer Aniston) to pretend to be his wife. Unfortunately, the problem became more complicated when the lies are starting to involve the children Katherine.

Sinopsis Indonesia
Berbohong awalnya memang tak mudah. Setelah terbiasa, bohong akan jadi lebih mudah. Masalahnya, kalau sudah terlanjur berbohong, sulit untuk kembali pada kejujuran. Sekali berbohong maka orang cenderung terus berbohong dan bila satu kebohongan terbongkar maka satu-satunya cara yang terpikir adalah membuat kebohongan baru untuk menutupinya.

Masalah yang sama dialami oleh Dr. Daniel Maccabee (Adam Sandler). Daniel punya kebiasaan berbohong. Ia sudah menyiapkan cincin yang selalu ia kenakan saat ia berusaha mendekati seorang wanita. Daniel selalu berpura-pura menjadi pria yang pernikahannya gagal. Dengan modus ini, Daniel selalu berhasil menggaet wanita mana pun. Jadi tak ada alasan buat Daniel untuk menghentikan dusta ini kan?

Masalah mulai jadi rumit saat Daniel bertemu Palmer (Brooklyn Decker). Saat pertama melihat wanita cantik ini Daniel langsung jatuh cinta. Daniel pun memutuskan untuk tidak berbohong kali ini. Sayangnya, secara tidak sengaja Palmer menemukan cincin Daniel. Karena sudah terbiasa berbohong, terpaksa Daniel berbohong lagi. Ia mengatakan bahwa ia memang sudah menikah namun pernikahannya sudah di ambang perceraian.

Untuk mendukung dusta ini Daniel terpaksa merekrut Katherine Murphy (Jennifer Aniston) untuk berpura-pura menjadi istrinya. Celakanya, masalah jadi semakin rumit saat kebohongan ini mulai melibatkan anak-anak Katherine.

Release Date: 11 February 2011
Genre: Comedy | Romance
Cast: Adam Sandler, Jennifer Aniston, Nicole Kidman
Quality: Cam
Subtitle: Indonesia, English (N/A)

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