Download Film Gratis The Hagstone Demon (2011)

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Download Film Gratis The Hagstone Demon (2011)

Sinopsis Indonesia
Douglas Elmore adalah penulis alkoholik dan sementara dihantui oleh bayangan istrinya yang sudah meninggal dan dikejar oleh pasukan supranatural bertekad balas dendam atas perbuatan masa lalunya. Ketika penyewa mulai berputar sampai mati di lorong dan tangga gedung apartemennya batu cokelat, Douglas tersangka pelacur tunawisma aneh tapi memikat seksual bernama Karna yang tidur di lantai dasar rumahnya di siang hari dan prowls kota kosong pada malam hari. Tapi seperti tubuh menumpuk, Douglas adalah obsesinya terbelah antara Karna dan tumbuh dengan ancaman menjadi tersangka utama dalam penyelidikan pembunuhan. Douglas harus menemukan asal-usul kejahatan yang berada di gedung tua sebelum Hagstone rahasia kembali masa lalunya untuk menghancurkan dia....

English review
Douglas Elmore is an alcoholic writer and caretaker haunted by visions of his dead wife and pursued by supernatural forces bent on revenge for his past deeds. When tenants start turning up dead in the hallways and stairwells of his brownstone apartment building, Douglas suspects a strange but sexually alluring homeless prostitute named Karna who sleeps in his basement by day and prowls the empty city by night. But as the bodies pile up, Douglas is torn between his growing obsession with Karna and the threat of becoming a prime suspect in a murder investigation. Douglas must find the origin of the evil residing in the old Hagstone building before the secrets of his past return to destroy him.

Release: 27 September 2011
Genre  : Horror
Cast   : Mark Borchardt, Nadine Gross, Cyndi Kurtz
Quality: BDRip 480p
Resolution: 636x348
Runtime: 01:35:42 

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