Download Film Gratis Modus Operandi

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Download Film Gratis Modus Operandi

Sinopsis Indonesia
Dua koper dengan isi misterius yang dicuri dari atas kandidat Presiden Squire Taman, berangkat serangkaian mematikan ganda salib dan pengkhianatan. Faksi putus asa dari organisasi bawah tanah tidak akan berhenti untuk mendapatkan kepemilikan dari bahan sensitif. Sebuah cabang dari rahasia CIA menyerukan terkenal Black Ops agen Stanley Cashay, yang telah hampir tidak ada dalam senja semi-koma sejak pembunuhan istrinya. Cashay ditawarkan identitas pembunuh istrinya dalam pertukaran untuk mencari dan mengembalikan kasus. Agen Cashay menggunakan senjata yang paling berbahaya di perintah, telepon dan reputasinya, untuk melepaskan berbagai macam aneh koperasi, termasuk Thunderbird Casey nikmat curang dan eksotis yang berbasis di Tokyo Licorice agen khusus Hitam. Seiring dengan skor penyamun memperdaya lain, mereka memulai rantai peristiwa mengerikan, termasuk penyiksaan kejam dan pembunuhan brutal ...

English review
Two briefcases with mysterious contents are stolen from top Presidential candidate Squire Parks, setting off a deadly series of double-crosses and betrayals. Desperate warring factions of subterranean organizations will stop at nothing to gain possession of the sensitive material. A covert branch of the CIA calls on notorious Black Ops agent Stanley Cashay, who has been barely existing in a semi-comatose twilight since the murder of his wife. Cashay is offered the identity of his wife's killer in exchange for locating and returning the cases. Agent Cashay uses the most dangerous weapons at his command, the telephone and his reputation, to unleash a bizarre assortment of operatives, including the deliciously sleazy Casey Thunderbird and exotic Tokyo-based special agent Black Licorice. Along with scores of other beguiling rogues, they initiate a horrifying chain of events, including ruthless torture and brutal killings... 

Release Date: 2009
Genre: Crime | Thriller
Stars: Randy Russell, Danny Trejo and Mark Borchardt

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