Download Gratis Film My Friend Bernard (2010)

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A very good 3D animation, all in all. I give it 8 stars, and for good reason. Although each episode is relatively short to most animations on TV (3 minutes) i find it worthy of watching.

download film gratis Film My Friend Bernard (2010)
Sinopsis Indonesia
The simple slapstick comedy features Bernard, a polar bear who finds life in civilisation isn't all it's cracked up to be, often in rather violent contact with characters (other animals, like his nemesis, a lizard) and objects, though always in a truly amusing way. Although to some it may seem a waste of technology, three minutes of falling, bumping and devices not working, to the trained eye it will reveal some not too shabby entertainment.
The animation of the environment about Bernard is magnificent, and i am a fan of cell and 2D, so that's a compliment. The texture isn't too exaggerated, and has a nice appearance.
Certainly worth turning on the box for, especially if imbertween other good shows. I have seen a good amount of episodes and am happy with what i'm seeing.

English Review
Komedi slapstick sederhana fitur Bernard, beruang kutub yang menemukan kehidupan di peradaban adalah tidak semua itu retak sampai menjadi, sering di agak menghubungi kekerasan dengan karakter (hewan lain, seperti musuh bebuyutannya, kadal a) dan objek, meskipun selalu dalam benar-benar cara yang lucu. Meskipun untuk beberapa hal itu mungkin tampak limbah teknologi, tiga menit jatuh, menabrak dan perangkat tidak bekerja, dengan mata yang terlatih akan mengungkapkan beberapa hiburan tidak terlalu lusuh.
Animasi lingkungan sekitar Bernard megah, dan saya seorang penggemar sel dan 2D, jadi itu pujian. Tekstur tidak terlalu berlebihan, dan memiliki penampilan bagus.
Tentu saja layak menyalakan kotak untuk, terutama jika menunjukkan imbertween baik lainnya. Saya telah melihat baik jumlah episode dan saya senang dengan apa yang saya lihat.

Size: 753.042 MB  | Language: English | Subtitles: N/A
Genre: Animation / Family / Adventure
Credit/source From SceneTube.Net

Download Gratis Film My Friend Bernard (2010) 


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