Gratis Download Film "Senario Asam Garam (2010)"

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Sinopsis Indonesia
"Senario Asam Garam (2010)" cerita dimulai dengan kejadian dimana Asam (Mazlan Pet-Pet) dan asisten nya Garam (Zaibo) mencoba untuk menyabot kios milik Cik Hawa (Julia Hana) dan kantor Pak Adam (Azlee Senario) tetapi usaha mereka selalu gagal karena kebodohan mereka. Asam dan Garam tidak suka Pak Adam karena kedua belah pihak berada dalam bisnis konstruksi. Selain itu, Pak Adam adalah kontraktor jujur tidak seperti Asam dan Garam.

Kabar dari tender untuk perluasan sekolah di desa menambah ketegangan antara Pak Adam dan Asam dan Garam, yang memaksa Asam dan Garam untuk mencoba segala cara untuk menggagalkan tawaran Pak Adam untuk proyek ini.
Senario Asam Garam

English Review
“Senario Asam Garam (2010)” the story starts with the incident where Asam (Mazlan Pet-Pet) and his assistant Garam (Zaibo) try to sabotage the kiosk owned by Cik Hawa (Julia Hana) and the office of Pak Adam (Azlee Senario) but their efforts always fail due to their stupidity. Asam and Garam dislike Pak Adam because both parties are in the construction business. Moreover, Pak Adam is an honest contractor unlike Asam and Garam.

The news of a tender for the extension of the school in the village adds tension between Pak Adam and Asam and Garam, which forces Asam and Garam to try any means possible to sabotage Pak Adam’s bid for the project.
Senario Asam Garam

Director:Hatta Azad Khan
Release Date:9 September 2010 (Malaysia)
Credit/source From

Gratis Download Film "Senario Asam Garam (2010)"


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