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Sinopsis Indonesia
Tiga cewek cantik dan bokek mau nggak mau harus jumpalitan, putar otak, dan baca mantera buat mengusir preman yang mau menggusur rumah kost mereka. Sambil rebutan cowok, pula!

Gina (Luna Maya) pontang-panting kerja sambilan sebagai wartawan, Tari (Tyas Mirasih) jungkir balik Keyword: Download film terbaru BERNARD BEAR Collections (2010) gratis, gratis film BERNARD BEAR Collections (2010) ,free download movie BERNARD BEAR Collections (2010) ,selamat mendownload Film / Movie BERNARD BEAR Collections (2010)  ,Gratis Film...

jadi guru aerobik dan Zizi (Imey Liem) menjadi seorang seniman tatto, bertiga adalah sahabat yang harus kerja sambilan agar tetep bisa kuliah di Jakarta. Untungnya ibu Laksmi (Yatti Surachman) walau tampak kejam , janda tanpa anak pemilik kost khusus mahasiwi tempat mereka tinggal ini, sebenarnya cukup perhatian dengan tidak semena-mena menagih uang kost.
Suatu hari datang segerombolan preman suruhan mafia tanah yang datang meneror perumahan tempat mereka tinggal. Para preman yang di ketuai oleh Rido (Reza Pahlevi) mengintimidasi para penduduk untuk segera menjual tanah mereka dengan harga murah. Bahkan sampai membakar beberapa area perumahan agar segera dikosongkan

Dibantu oleh ketua Karang Taruna idola mereka, Seno (Fathir Mochtar) , tiga mahasiswi yang doyan ngutang bayar kost ini menyusun strategi unik melawan para preman tersebut. Genderang perang telah di tabuh, terjadilah perang unik ala RATU KOSTmopolitan!
Gina dengan keahlian masaknya akan bikin preman kocar-kacir dengan senjata andalannya : wajan dan sutil. Tari, dengan gerakan-gerakan aerobik dan dua cermin kembarnya siap untuk menaklukan para Mafia. Sedangkan Zizi yang percaya pada klenik ini akan mempraktekkan ilmu santetnya untuk mengusir para preman.
Mampukah ketiga mahasiwi yang berasal dari luar Jakarta ini mempertahankan tempat kost mereka?

English Review
Three beautiful girls and destitute would not want to be flips, turn the brain, and read the incantation for the cast of thugs who want to displace their boarding house. As I fight guys, too!
Gina (Luna Maya) helter-skelter sideline work as a journalist, Dance (Tyas Mirasih) somersaults Keyword: Download the latest movie BERNARD BEAR Collections (2010) free, free movie BERNARD BEAR Collections (2010), free download movie BERNARD BEAR Collections (2010 ), congratulations to download Film / Movie Collections BERNARD BEAR (2010), Best Film ...
so aerobics teachers and Zizi (Imey Liem) become a tattoo artist, the three are friends who have to work odd for tetep go to college in Jakarta. Fortunately, mother Lakshmi (Yatti Surachman) though seems cruel, childless widow mahasiwi special boarding house owner where they live is, in fact enough attention to not collect money arbitrarily boarding.One day messengers came a bunch of thugs who came to terrorize the land mafia housing where they live. The thugs who chaired by Rido (Reza Pahlevi) intimidate the residents to immediately sell their land cheaply. Even to burn a few residential areas to immediately emptied
Youth chairman assisted by their idol, Seno (Fathir Mochtar), three female students who pay boarding hooked owe this unique strategy against these thugs. The drums of war have been in the percussion, there was a unique war-style KOSTmopolitan QUEEN!Gina with cooking skills would make a topsy-turvy thugs with guns its flagship: the skillet and Sutil. Dance, with movements of aerobic and two twin mirror is ready to conquer the Mafia. While Zizi who believe in this occult science will practice santetnya to drive out the thugs.Can third mahasiwi from outside Jakarta are maintaining their boarding place?

Pemain :Luna Maya,Tyas Mirasih,Imey-Liem,Fathir Muchtar,Rezapahlevi,
Yattisurachman,Cici Tegal,Verina Widodo,Adi Kurdi
Sutradara :Ody C. Harahap
Penulis :Ody C. Harahap

Free Download Ratu Kosmopolitan (2010)
Part 1 - Part 2

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